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                  Private investment in photovoltaic conversion systems

For private investors there are now high attractive conditions for investments in photovoltaic conversion systems and long term very solid returns.


          Increase your returns and worth with self feeding into the grid

Your return is laid down by law, in this case the renewable energy law of Germany from 01.July 2004. This law rules that the electricity companies have to give a first rank permission for feeding in the renewable electricity into the grid and paying. To serve as a basis for the calculation of rent payment there is the investigation of sun hours of German weather forecast.                                                                                                                                For self feeding in into the grid the investor gets money for every feed in kwh solar electricity. This money is guaranteed by the government for 20 years in price level of the first producing day.                                                If your system is 20 years old and paid (paid at break even point, 11-12 years), the system is able to work after this period between 5-10 years. The producers give guarantees up to 25 years of production capacities of 80%. Use your solar electricity further and reduce your electricity costs and independence over many years.


               Financing your photovoltaic conversion system  

Alu-Teck shows you, if you want, some specialised financing institutes and some possibilities for getting means of conveyance. Please talk with your own bank and with your tax consultant about your project, because often is financing without your own money possible. Under the summing line it is your profit.







Example for Installation

Solar frame on a flat roof without roof penetration





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